
Traditionally, the alfombras (carpets) are made of colored sawdust or sand, fruits, vegetables and flowers. Symbolically they represent clothes and palm branches which Jews threw on the road before Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, as he rode on the donkey into Jerusalem one week before the feast of unleavened bread (Passover). There Jesus Christ was betrayed, judged, flogged and crucified. Motives of the alfombras vary from religious symbolism to pure abstract patterns. Each family makes an alfombra in front of its house and competes with its neighbors in its size, appearance and material. Sometimes several families from the neighboring houses make one large alfombra together in front of their houses. While making the alfombras, socializing, cooperation and assistance, is more important than a victory over neighbors. Making the alfombras is time-consuming and requires many hours of detailed, exhausting, filigree skilful and patient work, which shows result in the final product. The work takes place in not too pleasant positions, like kneeling on the knees or sitting on the hard rock floor. But when the procession passes the alfombras, several hours of work turns into a bunch of mixed sawdust and flower residues in a few minutes. However, since the town is often windy, immediately after the procession comes a team of street cleaners and sweep the remains of the alfombras. So the wind can not blow the dust all over the place.
Photo Gallery
Antigua Gvatemala – Velikonočne alfombre (SL, Reporter, št.17, 2011)
Veliki teden v Antigui Gvatemali (SL, Ognjišče, 5.2011)
Postne procesije v Antigui Gvatemali (SL, Svet in Ljudje, 4.2011)
Postne procesije v Antigui Gvatemali (SL, Ognjišče, 4.2011)


This time more photos and less words. Enjoy!
Photo Gallery
Video – Isla de Margarita (2013, Venezuela)
Video – Fisherman of Juan Griego (2013, Venezuela)
Praznična miza v Venezueli – hallaca / Festive food in Venezuela – Hallaca (SL/EN 12/01.2014/15)
Zavitki, ki nasitijo vse, brez razlike (SL, 14.9.2014)
Za božič se speče pan de jamon (SL, 21.12.2014)
Venezuela – Socializem 21. stoletja leto po Chavezovi smrti (SL, št.12, 2014)
La Isla de Margarita (SL, št.151, 9.2014)
Med venezuelskimi zlatokopi (SL, 5.2015)


Republic of Guatemala is a small Central America county with a long history and beautiful nature. People visit it because of many excellent Spanish language schools, Lent and Holy Week processions in Antigua Guatemala; one of the best coffee in the world grown on rich volcanic soil at the optimal altitude; Mayan ruins in the jungle (Tikal); smoky volcanoes (Pacaya, Agua, Acatenango, Fuego…); Pacific of Atlantic coasts with black or white sand beaches; Mayan villages as Santiago Atitlan, San Pedro, San Juan or Chichicastenango, where mystic Mayan rituals are mixed with Catholicism. People suffered a lot in the civil war terror from 1960 to 1996.
Photo Gallery
Vulkan – osvojen (SL, št.8, 24.2.2011)
Jezik je svet okoli nas (SL, št.15, 14.4.2011)
Gvatemala – Majevska preteklost in sedanjost (SL, št.15, 2011)
Antigua Gvatemala, kolonialni žad Srednje Amerike (SL, 1/2.2011)
Žive majevske vasi v Gvatemali, Santiago Atitlan in Chichicastenango (SL, 9.2012)
Postne procesije v Antigui Gvatemali (SL, Svet in Ljudje, 4.2011)
Postne procesije v Antigui Gvatemali (SL, Ognjišče, 4.2011)
Veliki teden v Antigui Gvatemali (SL, Ognjišče, 5.2011)
Antigua Gvatemala – Velikonočne alfombre (SL, Reporter, št.17, 2011)