The Rise of Supermoon
December 2017 Supermoon.
Photo Gallery: The Rise od Supermoon
Florida Southern College
Frank Lloyd Wright architecture – Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL, USA.
Photo Gallery: Florida Southern College
Bahamas Off-Season
Bahamas Off-Season presentation was made as my contribution to 2016 »Best Of« presentations of the Association of Travel Photographers and Photojournalists of Slovenia (DPFF). Enjoy!
Fly over Appalachian Mountains
Photo Gallery: Fly over Appalachian Mountains
Supermoon – reddish due to South Mountains forest fire smoke blanket.
Photo Gallery: Supermoon
Griffon vulture
Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) at Cres Island, Croatia.
Photo Gallery: Griffon vulture
Mt. Mitchell
Highest peak east of Mississippi river (elevation 6.684 ft / 2.037 m)
Photo Gallery: Mt. Mitchell